Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Meeting Ikeda Norihisa (池田法久)

One of our members had the opportunity to visit a very remarkable person on a recent visit to Japan.  Ikeda Norihisa, a retired sword smith residing in Nagaoka, Niigata.  

He crafted this beautiful work of art back in 2003.  Special thanks to Paul Martin for helping our member get in touch with Ikeda-san. 

Nihonto from Ikeda Norihisa, of Nagaoka, Niigata. 

刀 越後住池田法久作 平成十五年一月

刃長 Blade length       74m(二尺四寸四分)

反り Sori         1.8cm

元幅 Width at the hamachi    3.3cm

元重 Kasane    8mm

先幅 Wide at the Kissaki         2.3cm

先重 Saki kasane         5mm

目釘穴 Mekugi           1

時代 Jidai        平成十五年(2003年)  Heisei period(A.D.2003)

産地 Country  新潟県 Nigata

重さ(鞘を払った重さ)          1097g


特徴:池田法久は本名を池田 洋、昭和7年生まれ、新潟県長岡市在住、山上千里(昭久)の門人、本作は本人が最も得意とする逆丁子を焼いた作品。

(Characteristics: Norihisa Ikeda's real name is Hiroshi Ikeda. He was born in 1930, lives in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, and is a disciple of Chisato Yamagami (Akihisa). This work is a work of baking reverse cloves, which i

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