Friday, September 20, 2024

John Pritchard Sensei's Nihonto


現代刀 関住二十七代 兼元 兼則合作 二尺三寸五分 打刀拵入

 Original post on Giheiya:

Gifu ken jūyō mukei bunka-zai gendai-gatana Seki jū ni jū nana-dai ken moto ken-soku gassaku ni-shaku san-sun go-bu-da-gatana Koshirae Iri


Gifu Prefecture Important Intangible Cultural Property

Modern sword, 27th generation of Sekishu, co-created by Kanemoto and Kanenori, 2 shaku, 3 sun, 5 minutes, Uchigatana Koshiriri







Muromachi jidai kara tsudzuku Magoroku ken gen no chokkei no shison, dai ni jū nana-dai ken gen no Yūsaku (saigo no ken gen).-Pon-saku, mihaba ga futoku gōsōna katana sugata ni, kaden no san-pon sugi o migoto ni yakiagete imasu. Koshirae wa itami ga sukunaku kondishon wa yoidesu. Tōshin wa sukoshi omoidesuga baransu yoku, iai, shì Ki ni saitekidesu.


Yusaku was the 27th Kanemoto (the last Kanemoto), a direct descendant of the grandchild Roku Kanemoto since the Muromachi period.

This work has a thick and magnificent sword figure, and the family's traditional Sanbonsugi wood is beautifully baked.

The Koshirae has little pain and is in good condition.

Although the blade is a little heavy, it is well-balanced and is perfect for iaido and trial cutting.



【登録 Reggistration Code

昭和49620 岐阜県第47113

【種別 Category


【長さ Blade length


【反り Curvature


【目釘穴 a rivet of a sword hilt

1 One

【銘文 Signature and Date



【元幅 Width at the bottom part of blade


【先幅 Width at the top]


【元重 Thickness at the bottom part of blade


【先重 Thickness at the top


【重量 Weight

刀身760g 抜き身1021g

Blade Just 760g With out saya 1021g.

【時代 Period

昭和後期 / Late of the Showa period.



「刀姿 sword figure


Kazuzukuri-an building, thick and heavy, Torii anti-chuho. The stems are raw, with a hawk-like appearance and a mountain-shaped end.


「彫物 carving


On the front and back sides, a single piece of the gutter becomes a scraper under the sill.


「地鉄 jigane


The jitetsu is packed with well-crafted heathered skin that sticks to the jibuku dust.


「刃紋 hamon



The blade crest is pointed with alternating eyes, commonly known as Sanbonsugi, and the blade has sand flowing through it well, with thick alternating eyes extending toward the tip of the blade. Kaiko gets confused and returns to Komaru.


「特徴 detailed

二十七代兼元、本名は金子達一郎、大正13126日に生まれ、関市にて作刀されていました。昭和12年関市日本刀鍛錬塾に入塾、渡辺兼永刀匠に師事する。昭和19年に二十七代兼元を襲名、戦後は新作刀展に出品し 数々の賞を受賞する。また昭和49年に日本刀鍛錬道場を造り、後輩の育成にも力を注ぎ、昭和55年関市産業功労賞受賞、平成元年関刀匠会会長就任、平成9年には岐阜県重要無形文化財に指定されました。 そして平成20124日、83歳で亡くなられました。

The 27th generation Kanemoto, whose real name was Tatsuichiro Kaneko, was born on January 26, 1920, and made swords in Seki City. In 1930, he entered the Seki City Japanese Sword Forging School and studied under swordsmith Watanabe Kanega. In 1944, he assumed the name of Kanemoto the 27th, and after the war he exhibited his works at new sword exhibitions and won numerous awards. In 1970, he established a Japanese sword training school and devoted his efforts to nurturing his juniors.In 1980, he received the Seki City Industrial Achievement Award, became the chairman of the Seki Swordsmiths Association in 1989, and was designated as a Gifu Prefecture Important Intangible Cultural Property in 1997. was specified. Then, on January 24, 2008, he passed away at the age of 83.



Kanenori (Kojima Kanenori), real name Kojima Taro, was born in 1908. He became a disciple of Watanabe Kanega, studied at the Japanese sword training school, and became an army swordsmith. His older brother was the previous swordsmith Kojima Kanemichi (Kojima Tokijiro). After the war, he received approval to make the sword on February 7, 1964, and subsequently received numerous awards at the New Sword Exhibition.

This sword is a collaboration sword, but I think most of it was made by swordsmith Kanemoto.It is a wonderful sword with a thick body and a magnificent shape, made from traditional Sanbonsugi cedars.




The blade is thick, so it's a little heavy, but it's well balanced and doesn't feel too heavy when held in the hand.

The blade stands out very well and can be used not only for Iai but also for trial cutting.


「拵 Koshirae


The Koshirae has no rattling or pain, and is in good condition.

ハバキ(habaki) :銀無垢一重の腰祐乗。

Solid silver single layer waist Yujo.

(tsuba)    :鉄地松樹木透かし。

ron ground pine tree watermark.


Higo arabesque map on brass.

目貫(menuki) :金地龍の図。

Illustration of a golden earth dragon.

(tsuka) :鮫は親粒が付く、柄糸は正絹黒の諸捻り巻き。

The shark has a parent grain, and the handle thread is made of black pure silk.

(saya) :黒石目。

Black stone eyes.


「刀剣の状態 condition of blade



Sharpening: Old sharpening, but the base blade looks good. There is no rust.

Scratches: There are two small scratches on the flat ground in front of the Yokotesuji on the back of the difference, but they are not noticeable, otherwise the item is in good condition.

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