Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thursday evening renshu at UBC

 Renshu @ubcrec

Tonight we had a special guest we met at the 2024 Powell Street Festival - Takizawa-san (Mr. Yasuo Takizawa), who graciously donated a sword to our dojo.  

Takizawa-san viewing a gendaito made in the late Showa period.

Takizawa-san, and members of Wisteria Place

Sensei having a look at the sword that Takizawa-san donated.

Takizawa-san holding a bokuto for the first time and trying iaido!

Hiro sensei spent some time introducing Takizawa-san to iaido.

It's a display sword, but an older one, with furniture that seems to be better quality than ones we commonly see today. 

Class Schedules:

Student Recreation Centre, UBC

Saturday:  9:30am to 11:30am

Tuesday:  6:30pm to 8:00pm

Thursday:  6:30pm to 8:00pm

Marpole Community Centre

Wednesdays:  5:45pm to 7:15pm

(Summer schedule)

#vancouvereishinryuiaidoclub #ubciaido

#vancouveriaido #ubcrec #vancouveriaidoclub #vancouvermartialarts #worldmjeriaidofederation #正統正流無雙直傳英信流居合道国際連盟

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